Where are we going with this?

To me being organized is about everything having a place. It is knowing where you are supposed to be and when, and not rushing around stressed out in a panic.

Neatness is different than organization. Neatness is when everything has a home (like my definition of organization), but things are also very clean~ spotless clean. Neatness also really doesn't involve clutter!

You could walk into someones house and think, "wow, this person is so organized!" The reality might be they have the appearance of being clean, but closets, drawers, etc. are a mess. They can't find anything when they need it. Their clutter is all hidden!

I like both. I want to be organized and I want neatness. I believe in order to make this work, we have to start with organizing and once you get in a routine, the neatness piece will become easier.


  1. I am an organized chaotic mess, striving to bring neatness into my life, and am working on decluttering my life! I like to hang onto things for sentimental reasons, but am working on stopping that madness! I agree everything needs a place, but when you've run out of places, you end up with piles... but thankfully the piles are slowly going away. I am determined that once they are gone, to stop them from popping back up. I do need to make sure they go in their proper places first, and not into a new pile.

  2. Okay, so I am doing at least something right. I do not "hide" my clutter in closets, drawers, etc. My clutter is involved with things that do not have a home and if they don't I don't just shove them somewhere hence the very "seen" clutter. For the most part, my drawers and closets, etc I know what is in them when I need it. My problem is we have too much stuff and no where to put it and then it drives me batty! I need to work on ridding that stuff.
