Starting 2011 by Taking Inventory & Use it Up!

I always feel like I need help staying organized in the kitchen. I am always running to the store to pick up something for dinner (it doesn't help that I could walk to the grocery store). To start of 2011, I'm taking inventory and making a list of what I have in my freezer and pantry and I'm going to use it up!
For example, I could probably come up with about 10 days worth of meals from my freezer. I have tons of food in the pantry. I have lots of canned veggies, soups, pasta and rice, yet somehow I feel the need to buy more groceries.
I'm planning a menu based on what I have already in my house:
chicken quesadilla
chicken and cheesy rice casserole
Hashbrown casserole
I'm starting off 2011 by using up the food in my freezer and pantry and only buying "perishable" foods until I've cleaned out what I have!
Hopefully this strategy will not only help me in my meal planning, but save money!

When I went around the house, we are also stocked up on paper goods, ziplock baggies, toothpaste, shampoo and soap!


  1. I do the same thing! And when I get really sick of looking at all of the frozen veggies in the freezer, I make a pot of soup! I call it "Clean Out the Fridge Soup". :)

  2. I might need that recipe...what spices?
